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Dallas, Texas Oil and Gas Industry Injury Lawyer

North Texas injured oil and gas worker lawyer

Attorney Advocating for Workers Injured in the Oil and Gas Industry in Dallas

The oil and gas industry is a valuable asset for Texas' economy, but it is also one of the most dangerous fields of work. Those who are injured on oil rigs, drilling sites, or in related industrial settings may face significant medical expenses and an uncertain future. With so much on the line, it is essential for injured employees to work with a skilled attorney to help secure the compensation needed to recover.

If you have been hurt while working on an oil or gas drilling site or refinery, Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. is here to provide you with exceptional legal representation. By investigating accidents, identifying liable parties, and advocating for workers' rights, Attorney Jerry D. Andrews can help you navigate complex legal claims. With over 30 years of legal experience and a commitment to securing favorable outcomes for injury victims, you can trust us to fight for your rights, whether the injury resulted from defective equipment, explosions, or unsafe working conditions.

Common Causes of Oil and Gas Industry Injuries

The process of extracting oil and gas involves heavy machinery, hazardous chemicals, and extreme working conditions. Several factors contribute to the high rate of injuries in this industry, including:

  • Defective Equipment: Faulty machinery, improperly maintained tools, and broken safety equipment can leave victims with catastrophic injuries.
  • Fires and Explosions: Flammable materials like natural gas and crude oil increase the likelihood of fires and explosions. A single spark from an equipment failure or a pipeline rupture can cause devastating burn injuries or fatalities.
  • Oil and Gas Vehicle Accidents: Since workers often transport materials, equipment, and personnel to and from job sites, accidents involving large trucks and tankers can lead to life-threatening injuries.
  • Drilling Accidents: The drilling process involves significant dangers, including blowouts, collapsing well structures, and high-pressure equipment malfunctions. Workers near drilling rigs are at risk of suffering severe trauma in the event of an accident.
  • Slip and Fall Hazards: Spilled oil, uneven surfaces, and inadequate safety measures can lead to falls that result in serious damage.
  • Toxic Exposure: Workers who handle crude oil, drilling fluids, or natural gas may be exposed to harmful chemicals. Long-term exposure to these toxic chemicals may cause various types of severe health conditions.
  • Improper Safety Procedures: Failure to follow industry safety protocols, insufficient training, and negligent oversight can increase the possibility of workplace injuries. Companies that do not enforce safety regulations put workers at unnecessary risk.

Injuries Sustained in Oil and Gas Accidents

Due to the dangerous nature of oil and gas operations, injuries in this industry are often severe, and they can even be life-threatening. Some of the most common injuries suffered by these types of workers include:

  • Burn Injuries: Fires and explosions can cause first-, second-, and third-degree burns, leading to painful recovery processes, permanent scarring, and disfigurement.
  • Broken Bones: Heavy machinery accidents, falls, and crushing accidents often result in fractured bones that may require multiple surgeries and rehabilitation.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): A blow to the head from falling debris, explosions, or equipment failures can cause concussions or more severe brain injuries that can affect memory, cognitive function, and fine motor skills.
  • Amputations: Workers who operate heavy machinery face a high risk of limb amputations due to potential entanglements in equipment or crushing accidents.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Falls from heights, vehicle accidents, or being hit by equipment can lead to spinal cord damage, which may leave victims paralyzed or with long-term mobility issues.
  • Respiratory Conditions: Exposure to toxic chemicals, fumes, or silica dust on job sites can cause lung diseases, chronic respiratory disorders, and lasting health complications.
  • Hearing Loss: Prolonged exposure to loud drilling noises, explosions, and heavy machinery can lead to permanent hearing damage or loss.

Legal Options for Injured Oil and Gas Workers

Fortunately, injured oil and gas workers have legal options for obtaining compensation. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, a claim may be filed under:

  • Workers' Compensation: Some employers provide this type of coverage, which allows injured employees to recover medical expenses and a portion of their lost wages. However, not all Texas employers carry workers' compensation insurance, so workers may need to seek other legal avenues, including taking legal action against their employers.
  • Third-Party Liability Claims: If a third party like an equipment manufacturer or contractor contributed to the accident, an injured worker may file a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages beyond what workers' compensation provides.
  • Wrongful Death Claims: If an oil and gas worker loses their life due to a workplace accident, their family members may pursue a wrongful death claim to account for this tragedy.

Contact Our Dallas, TX Oil and Gas Injury Attorney

If you have suffered an injury while working in the oil and gas industry, an attorney who has ample courtroom experience and a strong reputation for litigation can make a significant difference in your case. Insurance companies often take claims more seriously when they know the attorney handling the case is prepared to go to trial. Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. has the skills to make this happen, and we will work diligently to maximize the compensation you can receive. For a free consultation, contact us at 214-221-5800 today. Se habla Español.

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