Dallas, TX 75234
Who Should Hire a Reconstruction Professional for a Car Accident?
In any motor vehicle collision, establishing definitive fault and causation is vital when trying to seek fair compensation through insurance claims or lawsuits. Although police reports provide initial accident details, securing specialized reconstructionist expertise frequently makes or breaks car crash cases by uncovering indisputable evidence. A Texas lawyer often works with a reconstruction expert, and depending on the specifics of your case, one could help you tremendously.
Major Discrepancies Exist in Police Assessments
Understand that attending law enforcement remains focused on temporarily restoring traffic flow and cursory fact documentation for primary reporting purposes. Officers rarely have sufficient time or resources to accurately diagram debris patterns, measure tire marks, or calculate speeds and forces involved during initial investigations. However, these details often help determine actual collision fault and liability. Additionally, early police assumptions tend to focus blame on whichever party appears most evidently impaired or violated straightforward traffic statutes at the moment. However, deeper analysis may reveal less obvious yet pivotal factors creating hazards like poor sight lines, signage failures, inadequate road maintenance, vehicle defects, or more.
Vehicle Malfunctions Cannot Be Ignored
When mechanical or electrical-related vehicle breakdowns cannot be ruled out as contributing factors, accident reconstruction can uncover underlying system failures. Analysts know precisely how to inspect wrecked automobiles for defects like brake issues, visibility problems from previous crashes, faulty tires, defective auto parts, or handling problems.
Complex Cases Require Specialist Testimony
Especially in accidents causing severe injuries or death, police reports alone are rarely enough to win adequate compensation. While they show the police officer’s view of what happened, there has to be more evidence involved for a solid case. The testimony of specialists that explain precisely how wrecks happened through custom diagrams, photos, simulations, and calculations carries tremendous evidentiary value. Juries understand that such guidance allows for the proper assignment of accountability.
Contact an Irving, TX Car Accident Attorney
If you are uncertain if a reconstruction expert could benefit your case, A Carrollton, TX car accident lawyer can look over your specifics and help you decide. It is usually beneficial to have legal representation and other experts on your case. However, minor accidents may not need this type of reconstruction expert, unless both parties are arguing fault. This can help provide clear evidence for your case. Call Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. at 214-221-5800 for a free consultation to see the next step that may be the most beneficial for you.