Dallas, TX 75234
Who Is Responsible for Car Crashes on Icy Roads?
A little over four years ago, one of the worst pileups in U.S. history happened in Fort Worth, TX. 130 vehicles were involved in a mass collision that injured at least 65 people and resulted in six deaths. The stretch of I-35 W where the chain-reaction crash occurred was covered in ice, and the roadway’s concrete barriers did not allow motorists to avoid the collision. Although North Tarrant Express Mobility Partners S3 had treated the elevated roadway with a brine solution some 44 hours before wintry precipitation began to fall, further road treatment was not undertaken.
Hopefully, a crash of this scope will never happen again. However, collisions on icy roads continue to occur, raising the question of who is liable for paying for your damages if you are injured in a wreck on slick roads. Motor vehicle accident claims could provide compensation for injured victims, and eligible survivors of fatal car wreck victims might secure damages through wrongful death claims. Your skilled Irving, TX personal injury attorney can determine liability and help you pursue full compensation for your damages.
What Did the NTSB Investigation of the 2021 I-35 Crash Find?
The National Transportation Safety Board investigated the crash and returned a lengthy report in 2023. The agency found that:
NTEMP S3 did not detect the need for additional treatment for the icy elevated roadway as precipitation began to fall.
NTEMP S3 did not adequately train its employees.
Although an NTEMP S3 electronic message board warned drivers that "ICY CONDITIONS EXIST/PLEASE USE CAUTION," excessive speed for the road conditions contributed to the number of vehicles involved in the pileup and the severity of damage and injuries. Reportedly, the average speed in one traffic lane when wintry precipitation began falling was over 100 mph.
Another report claims that the supervisor, who should have been monitoring road conditions, was sleeping when the wreck happened. This kind of negligent behavior can indicate fault in car crashes.
Is Improper Road Treatment the Only Cause of Wrecks on Icy Roads?
North Texas does not get significant snowfall every year. Drivers who are not used to traveling on icy roads may be more prone to making dangerous errors. Tires without sufficient traction can also contribute to crashes. Although the company or government agency responsible for a specific stretch of road may share liability, drivers can also contribute to causing accidents.
Failing to reduce speed as road conditions warrant, driving a car with balding tires, and distracted or impaired driving are all forms of negligence that could give you grounds to file a compensation claim. An investigation can determine who is responsible for causing your car crash and paying your damages.
What Damages Could Be Available in Car Accident and Wrongful Death Claims?
There is no such thing as an average settlement amount because each victim’s damages are unique. Your lawyer will carefully consider your situation. Your damages could include reimbursement for your financial losses, including property damage, medical bills, and lost wages. Non-economic damages reflect the various ways your accident may have affected your quality of life. Wrongful death claim damages could also provide for funeral and burial costs, along with multiple losses experienced by a fatal accident victim’s immediate family.
Deserving compensation does not mean that the liable insurance company is willing to cover all your eligible losses. Often, the skill and determination of a competent attorney are necessary to secure the full compensation you deserve.
Call Our Respected Dallas, TX Car Wreck Lawyer Today
Whether due to icy roads or another cause, our dedicated Dallas County, TX personal injury attorney from Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. can help you hold the at-fault party accountable for your car accident damages. Take advantage of a free case review by requesting yours online or calling 214-221-5800 now.