Dallas, TX 75234
Top 6 Types of Premises Liability Cases in Dallas
Premises liability is a relatively broad category in civil lawsuits. Generally, if you got hurt on someone else’s property, including in a place of business, your injury likely falls under the umbrella of premises liability. Most of these lawsuits are the result of some type of accident, but premises liability also covers some limited cases involving intentional injuries, like those sustained during an assault. Deciding who is liable for these types of often very serious injuries can sometimes be complicated, especially when multiple careless actors or product defects come into play.
If you were hurt while on another’s property, speaking to an attorney may be the first step towards recovering possible compensation.
What Types of Incidents Lead to Premises Liability Claims?
All sorts of accidents, mishaps, and even crimes can happen when a business or property owner fails to keep his premises reasonably safe. That said, there are a few broad categories of personal injuries that often lead to a lawsuit grounded in premises liability. They include:
Slips and falls - Although often played for laughs in the movies, slipping and falling can result in major head, neck, and spine injuries, particularly in the elderly. They are also often preventable with a little caution.
Crime permitted - Negligent security is a very specific type of premises liability case that arises when a business operator fails to act to prevent dangerous criminal activity from taking place on his premises. A common example would be when a bar owner becomes aware of repeated muggings in his parking lot and takes no steps to protect customers.
Staircases - Staircases and escalators alike can be dangerous when they are not appropriately maintained. Loose railings, low lighting, and any type of water or ice accumulation can all suggest some type of carelessness.
Pools - Swimming pools are often referred to as an “attractive nuisance.” People are drawn to them, but they can become very deadly in the blink of an eye. Drowning deaths are the most significant risk, but head and neck injuries from jumping or falling in can also be extremely serious.
Loose dogs - This most commonly happens on personal property, but has happened in business places. Potentially aggressive or dangerous dogs should be adequately restrained so that they cannot injure visitors to the property.
Electrocutions - Electrical hazards, like frayed wires, should not be left where visitors could be accidentally injured by them. Because electrocutions can cause severe burns or even death, it is very important for premises owners to use caution with electrical hazards.
These are just a few types of incidents or accidents that may point towards a potential premises liability claim.
Call a Texas Premises Liability Attorney
If you have been injured in an accident or assault while in a place of business or on another’s property, Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. may be able to recover compensation on your behalf. Our experienced Dallas premises liability lawyers will evaluate your case to determine whether you may have a claim. Call us at 214-221-5800 to arrange a free consultation.