Dallas, TX 75234
The high price of driving too fast
Most people, on at least one occasion, have gotten behind the wheel while in a hurry. When a person is running late, rushing to get somewhere or simply being inattentive, it can result in that person driving at dangerously high speeds. If you have ever done this yourself, you may be wondering what could be so bad about driving a little fast.
Speeding is a common type of reckless driving. Speed limits are there for a reason, and driving over these limits is not only against the law, it can increase the chance of an accident. Many people underestimate the significant danger associated with speeding. However, if you are a victim of an accident caused by a speeding Texas driver, you know firsthand how dangerous this type of behavior can be.
A greater danger than you may think
Speed-related accidents kill thousands of people every year. A report from the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration indicates that, in 2017, over 9,000 people died in accidents involving speed. Consider the dangers of operating a vehicle too fast:
- Speed makes it more difficult to stop quickly. When driving too fast, a driver may not be able to brake to avoid a collision with a hazard ahead.
- Speed can actually reduce the effectiveness of safety equipment. A seatbelt is less effective in an accident where the vehicle was moving at a high rate of speed.
- Speed can impact the seriousness of a crash. When speed is involved, a collision is more likely to result in significant damage, grave injuries or even death.
- Speed makes it more likely that a driver will lose control of his or her vehicle. This makes it more likely that an accident will occur.
If you are the victim of an accident caused by a speeding driver, you do not have to suffer in silence. All drivers are responsible for the choices they make behind the wheel, and it may be possible for you to hold the liable parties accountable for your pain and suffering.
What's next?
You may unsure of what to do next after a speed-related accident. A good place to start is to simply reach out to a legal professional for an assessment of your case and explanation of the legal options available to you. A civil claim may allow you to recoup some of your accident-related losses and secure compensation for other damages.