Dallas, TX 75234
Studies show hands-free tech still causes driver distraction
These days people live their lives constantly attached to their cellphones, and in many ways, cellphones make aspects of life more convenient.
On the other hand, mobile devices also cause a considerable amount of distraction, particularly when it comes to driving.
Research has shown that use of hands-free or handheld technology behind the wheel quadruples the risk of an accident.
Texting or talking on a cellphone is known for causing frequent car accidents, and often the main hazard is attributed to taking hands off the wheel and eyes off the road in order to send texts or answer calls. However, even with hands-free technology, cellphone use continues to put drivers and other travelers at risk.
Many people are under the impression that going hands-free will allow them to use their cellphones in a safer manner. Unfortunately, this notion does not hold up under scrutiny. In fact, studies have shown that using a hands-free device still distracts drivers because they take their minds off the task of driving.
Were you injured by a distracted driver?
Of course, even if you practice safe driving habits, there are still people on the road who believe that hands-free technology has made their cellphone use safer. If you have been injured due to another driver's distraction, do not hesitate to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. The truth is that insurance companies routinely offer initial settlements that do not cover the full extent of the injury or the associated costs, and a personal injury lawyer can represent you and help you get the compensation you need and deserve — all while you focus on healing.