Dallas, TX 75234
4 Things to Know Before The Insurance Company Calls About a Crash
After a car accident, it may seem like your to-do list is neverending. You may have doctor’s visits, physical therapy appointments, and even counseling appointments, all on top of arranging to have your car repaired or replaced. When a car insurance company calls you about the accident, it may be tempting to simply get the conversation over with as quickly as possible so you can get back to everything else. However, doing so could affect your claim.
Before you speak with an insurance company, you may want to speak to a lawyer. An attorney who is experienced with car accident cases can protect your interests during any dealings with insurance agents.
What Should I Keep in Mind When an Insurance Company Calls?
Most people receive a phone call from insurance within a few days of the crash. This is hardly enough time for many accident victims to recuperate from the accident and adequately prepare for the conversation. When insurance calls you about an accident, remember these tips:
First offer - The company may make you a settlement offer that sounds like a lot, until you start adding up your actual expenses. When all the math is done, the first offer rarely even covers your out-of-pocket losses, like medical bills and lost wages. Insurance agents hope accident victims will accept the offer before doing any real accounting.
Representation - Insurance companies, who typically have a small army of lawyers, notoriously try to take advantage of unrepresented parties. An attorney with experience dealing with insurance agents may have a better idea of what the process should look like and what kind of offer should be made.
Growing expenses - You may be fielding calls from insurance before you even have a real idea of what your final costs will look like. It can take time for the extent of your injuries and what kind of care you will need to recover become known. Your psychological injuries may not have fully manifested yet. It is probably not clear exactly how long you will be out of work and how much you will lose in wages. Generally, avoid volunteering an estimate until you have had more time.
Statement - The statement you give to an insurance agent about what happened can later be used against you. It is incredibly easy to misspeak and accidentally say something that suggests you may have been at fault. It is much better when this statement comes through your own attorney, who can review the language carefully.
If possible, it is best to secure legal representation before you get a call from insurance. Calling a lawyer soon after the accident gives you both time to prepare for talks with insurance.
Call a Texas Car Accident Lawyer
If you were injured in a car accident, Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. can protect your interests during dealings with insurance companies. Our experienced Dallas car accident attorneys will fight for you to receive fair compensation. Call 214-221-5800 to arrange a free consultation.