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Will you be a victim of a trucking accident?

 Posted on August 24,2016 in Truck Accidents

Trucks are a common sight on the roads of Texas. In Dallas-Fort Worth, you're just as likely to be driving next to a semi-tractor trailer as you are a large pickup. Unfortunately, the high rate of semi drivers leads to a high rate of truck-car accidents, many of which cause serious or fatal injuries.

Nearly every day, a motorists falls victim to the careless driving or conduct of a truck driver in Texas. At the law firm of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C., we frequently meet motor vehicle accident victims who were injured because of these common causes of truck crashes:

  • Fatigue: Thousands of miles and long hours are part of the job description for commercial drivers. Commercial truck drivers are paid to deliver their haul on time and, some truck transportation companies pay bonuses to drivers for getting deliveries to their destination ahead of schedule. This frees up the truck for extra deliveries and spells more profit for the company. Unfortunately, this creates a desire for drivers to push themselves to stay awake beyond their capabilities. To earn a bonus, a commercial truck driver may forgo rest and sleeping time. In turn, this leads to fatigue and a much higher risk factor for a truck accident.
  • Reckless driving: The same motivation to get where they're going faster, often leads to reckless driving by commercial truck drivers. The larger the truck and the heavier the haul, the longer it will take for a truck to come to a complete stop. Reckless drivers may drive too fast compared to the traffic speed, weave between lanes to get ahead or tailgate other vehicles. All these behaviors spell trouble for other motorists and their passengers. Too often, reckless truck driving leads to accidents and injuries.
  • Distracted driving: These days, truck cabs are outfitted with more than GPS for navigation. Truck drivers may have televisions, DVD players, cell phones and tablets set up in the cab for "entertainment" while on the road. This is a bad idea for everyone, let alone truck drivers in Dallas-Fort Worth. While drivers use their eyes to view text messages instead of watching the road, someone else usually becomes the victim.

These are just a few causes of truck accidents. If you or a loved one has been a victim of a negligent truck driver's actions, seek the help of an experienced truck accident lawyer. We'll help determine the cause of the truck accident and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

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