Dallas, TX 75234
Why Having Loose Pets in a Vehicle Can Cause Accidents
Crating pets or strapping them into some sort of safety apparatus when preparing for a journey in a car or truck can be inconvenient, to say the least. Especially if an animal cries or is prone to chewing or digging when restrained, it can be far easier to simply let them roam loose in a vehicle. Unfortunately, the convenience of allowing a pet to travel unrestrained can lead to motor vehicle accidents. As a result, it is important to find creative solutions when an animal resists travel-related restraints.
Pets Are Distracting
It surprises many parents to learn that there are two primary distractions that are most likely to lead to collisions when their teenage children take the wheel. The first is, obviously, electronic-related distractions. By now, the vast majority of Americans understand that texting while driving and otherwise utilizing electronic technology when operating a vehicle causes preventable crashes. However, the second distraction that is most likely to cause an accident is neither so obvious nor so easily avoided: Passengers.
Pets are, in effect, passengers. Like human passengers, the noise that pets make, their movements, and their reactions to the world around them can be truly distracting. Additionally, like human passengers, if a pet experiences an emergency – such as choking – that reality can cause a particularly acute distraction for vehicle operators.
Pets can be distracting regardless of whether or not they are restrained travelers. However, unrestrained pets have the potential to cause unique hazards that human passengers do not. For example, human passengers cannot limit visibility and control of the wheel by spontaneously jumping into a vehicle operator’s lap. It is also highly unlikely that a human passenger would scratch, bite, swipe at, or bark loudly in the ear of a vehicle operator. Keeping pets at a safely-restrained distance from a motorist can help to better ensure that their distracting nature does not lead to a crash.
Contact a Dallas Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer Today for Personalized Guidance
It has been widely estimated that distractions and other hazards caused by unrestrained pets cause tens of thousands of motor vehicle accidents annually. If you or a loved one has recently suffered injuries as a result of a crash involving an unrestrained pet, know that you are likely in a strong position to hold that pet owner accountable for their negligent approach to travel.
To learn more, speak with a Dallas, TX motor vehicle accident lawyer at Jerry D. Andrews, P.C.. You can schedule a risk-free case evaluation at no cost by submitting a contact form on our firm’s website, by utilizing its instant chat feature, or by calling our team at 214-221-5800. Attorney Jerry D. Andews looks forward to speaking with you.