Dallas, TX 75234
What information goes into a police report after an accident?
After a car accident, especially one that leaves you seriously injured, it can feel like a whirlwind. You may have questions you wanted to ask, information you wanted to gather or provide, and just want to know what happened in general. Though you may not have immediately been able to obtain this information due to going to the hospital, obtaining it as soon as possible may be in your best interests.
Typically, after a serious crash, police officers come to the scene. Their presence can be immensely useful for various reasons, among which is gathering information for a police report. A police report can contain facts about the accident that may prove useful to you if you choose to pursue a personal injury claim against the driver considered at fault for the incident, even if the report itself cannot be evidence.
What goes into a police report?
If you do not remain on the scene due to needing medical attention, officers may come question you when you are able to answer their questions. Though they have likely already obtained information from witnesses and the other driver involved, providing your recollection of the incident is important. The police will likely try to obtain the following information:
- The date and time of the accident
- The weather and lighting conditions at the time of the incident, such as whether it was raining or dark out
- Information about injuries that occurred
- Statements from you and the other driver about what took place
- Personal information from you and the other driver, including your name, address, phone number and insurance information
- Contact information for witnesses
- Details about the vehicles involved and the damage sustained
- A visual diagram of the accident scene
- Description of the roadway or other location where the crash took place
After the police make their report, you can obtain a copy of it when it is ready. The information in the report could prove useful when making an insurance claim. After getting your copy of the report, you may want to make sure that the information it contains is correct to the best of your knowledge.
Filing a personal injury claim
In addition to providing information for a police report, the details you remember about the car accident could prove useful if you choose to pursue a personal injury claim. This type of civil legal claim could allow you to obtain compensation from the driver considered at fault for damages permitted under Texas law if your case proves successful.