Dallas, TX 75234
Were you injured by a drugged driver?
Like drunk driving, drugged driving is a dangerous and inexcusable behavior that puts other people at risk of collisions and serious injuries. The choice to get behind the wheel while under the influence of any type of intoxicating substance could be a decision that results in the physical harm or death of an innocent person.
If you were hurt in a Texas car accident that you believe was the result of drugged driving, you may be entitled to significantly more compensation than the insurance company initially offers.
Drugged driving is a growing problem in Texas and nationwide.
As with alcohol, drug use can affect a driver's ability to think clearly and make prompt, appropriate decisions while behind the wheel. Even a small amount of an illegal drug in a driver's system can lead to devastating consequences. In fact, marijuana, one of the most common recreational drugs, can cause the following types of behaviors in drivers:
- Weaving in and out of lanes
- Slower reaction times
- Altered spatial perceptions
While many drivers consider marijuana to be less dangerous than other types of drugs, it can still be inebriating, especially when combined with alcohol or other controlled substances. Other kinds of drugs can also lead to various types of dangerous behaviors, including aggressive driving and recklessness.
Any driver affected by drugs or alcohol is a threat to the well-being of others, but the combination of multiple types of intoxicating substances can increase the risk exponentially. Innocent people should not have to suffer because of the reckless and negligent actions of another person.
Do not hesitate to build a case that maximizes your compensation.
Personal injury cases can be complex, and it may seem difficult or even impossible to prove that you suffered as the direct result of the actions of another person. However, with the right legal support, you can enforce your rights and secure the compensation you need for a full financial recovery.
From pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost work time, a drugged driving accident can affect your life in many ways. Fortunately, you have the right to explore your legal options — and to seek the maximum in compensation for costs resulting from the crash. Before you assume you have no case or that there is not sufficient evidence for a strong claim, you would be wise to seek the opinion of a legal professional experienced in car accident cases, as well as insurance disputes.