Dallas, TX 75234
Top Causes of Personal Injury on Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a fun and romantic holiday. However, some of the enjoyable gifts we associate with the holiday can become dangerous. There are certain risks associated with any holiday - drunk driving is always a big one - and a few that are unique to Valentine’s Day. Some of these risks affect everyone. Others are more likely to affect children. If you or your child suffered any of these injuries on Valentine’s Day, you may want to speak to a personal injury attorney to determine whether another party may be liable for your injuries. It is best to call a lawyer as soon are you are able to after your injury. The sooner an attorney can begin investigating your case, the easier it may be to build your case.
What Valentine’s Day Injuries Might Someone Else Be Liable For?
Valentine’s Day is not typically thought of as a dangerous holiday, but it can be when people are negligent and celebrate in an unsafe manner. Common types of personal injuries on Valentine’s Day include:
- Fires - Candles can be quite romantic, creating a pleasant, nice-smelling atmosphere. However, they can also be dangerous. Those who live in apartments, duplexes, or townhomes are the most likely to be at risk of getting injured in a fire started by a careless neighbor who has placed a candle too close to a flammable object. Fires may also break out when people who do not typically do much cooking make an attempt at preparing a romantic dinner and do not succeed.
- Drunk driving - Many couples enjoy a bottle of wine or champagne on Valentine’s Day. Single adults may also indulge. This can become quite a problem if they attempt to drive themselves or their sweethearts home afterwards. Drunk driving accidents tend to increase a bit on this holiday. Few things are less romantic than a car crash and a trip to the emergency room.
- Choking - Toys and candies given to children on Valentine’s Day can sometimes become dangerous when choking hazards are present. Even some stuffed animals can be hazardous if they have plastic eyes or other parts that can detach and wind up in a young child’s mouth. Children’s toys should generally be free of choking hazards.
Fun and romantic Valentine’s Day celebrations can quickly turn dangerous when appropriate caution is not exercised. If you or your child were harmed this holiday by someone else’s negligence, make sure you seek immediate medical attention - then call a personal injury lawyer.
Call a Dallas County Personal Injury Lawyer
Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. may be able to help you recover financial compensation for your Valentine’s Day injuries. Our Dallas personal injury attorneys will evaluate your case to determine whether another party may be liable. Call 214-221-5800 for a free consultation.