Dallas, TX 75234
It is never safe to text and drive
Life without a smart phone probably feels a little unrealistic in today’s society. But is it unrealistic to expect people to use their smart phones safely? Unfortunately, there are many drivers in Texas who still prioritize their phones over paying attention to the road, making texting and driving a huge problem.
Every year in America, drivers on their phones cause 1.6 million crashes. In 2018 alone, cell phone use had a connection to 4,637 car accident deaths. These high numbers of injuries and deaths do not seem to deter some drivers from reaching for their phones.
Does age matter?
Age is a factor in who is most likely to text, and for different reasons. For example, people who text and drive are probably more confident in their abilities to multitask. A survey from The Zebra found that nearly 40% of drivers age 55 and up believe they multitask well, compared to only around 30% of drivers between the ages of 25 and 34.
Drivers between the ages of 20 and 29 are the most likely to admit to using their phones behind the wheel. Teens are not immune to the problem of texting and driving, either. A 2018 study found that 40% of teen respondents had been in a vehicle while a driver was on his or her phone, then caused a crash. That same study also found that around 33% of drivers aged 18 to 64 actively text and email while riding.
Is it all about texting?
Texting behind the wheel is certainly dangerous, but it is not the only problem. Any type of engagement with a phone is dangerous because it takes a driver’s attention — both visual and mental — off of the task at hand. It seems like many drivers do not see it this way, though.
In another study from The Zebra in 2019, more than half of participants said that GPS apps are less dangerous texting. That same study showed that an astounding 60% said that talking on the phone is safer than texting. In reality, using a cell phone in any way while driving is not safe.
Worse than drunk driving?
Most people in Texas would agree that drinking and driving is dangerous. Is there the same consensus on texting and driving, though? Texting while driving is actually more dangerous than drunk driving, and texting drivers are six times as likely to cause an accident than a drunk driver. Using a cell phone — even if it is a hands-free device — slows down a driver’s reaction time the same amount as having a blood alcohol concentration of .08%.
Surviving a texting and driving accident can be a traumatic ordeal. You are hurt, both physically and emotionally, and you might not even be able to work to keep up with your bills. Finding the right help is essential during this period of your life. This is why you should not delay in reaching out to a knowledgeable attorney who is ready to uphold your rights and best interests.